Planning a trip to Japan? Make sure the wildlife and petting cafés are a part of your tour! Japan on the world map is like an arc stretching from north to south. This special geographical feature is the cause of the climate difference between the north and south. Hence, theRead More →

Everybody, at least once in their lifetime, would like to discover and explore some parts of the world. This dream might not be feasible for some but it is time to put an end to that wistful wish. Unae, the stuffed eel living in Tokyo, welcomes everyone to Unagi TravelRead More →

In the 16th Century Emperor Jahangir constructed a mausoleum for his favourite pet, Mansraj, the royal deer In the 16th and 17th centuries The Mughal Dynasty left many evident and historical marks in the subcontinent that we now call India and Pakistan. Hunting grounds were considered an integral feature ofRead More →

Amidst the years of history, culture and architecture, it is common to find in Istanbul what you least expect – Cats! When I first landed in Istanbul, I was awed by the scenery and landscape. Two days later when I sat down to view the pictures I had taken duringRead More →