We live in a world full of myths. Be it myths about legendary animals like the phoenix, mermaids or unicorns, or reptiles that people often refer to as the ‘frightening little things’, such as snakes, reptiles, iguanas, and turtles. Countless myths have originated from numerous parts of the world aboutRead More →

It seemed to be an ordinary day until I noticed a pair of eagle eyes burning a hole in my back. It looked like they were sharing a private joke amongst themselves, being kind enough to constantly point at me. As I stepped out of my neighbourhood, stretching against theRead More →

Superman, Batman, Cinderella, Peter Pan, Captain Jack Sparrow, Lady Gaga and many others all together at one place… What can it be? A costume party of course. Dressing up for fun, meeting up with friends, taking crazy pictures, eating and drinking, who doesn’t love costume parties? Imagine how exciting theseRead More →