It is no doubt that hamsters are 3C’s – cute, cuddly and cheap. However, these tempting characteristics cannot overshadow the required tasks to keep them well and healthy. The word hamster originated from the German word hamstern meaning hoard. Hoarding is a unique characteristic of hamsters, which means that theyRead More →

No need to shy away from the truth. You are either allergic to fur, do not have the proper facilities to take care of a pet or are simply not allowed to own one. You feel devastated when you see your best friend happily conducting a marathon with his dog,Read More →

Amidst the years of history, culture and architecture, it is common to find in Istanbul what you least expect – Cats! When I first landed in Istanbul, I was awed by the scenery and landscape. Two days later when I sat down to view the pictures I had taken duringRead More →