It is estimated that a trained Mounted Officer on a trained horse can be as effective as a dozen officers on foot. For centuries, animals have been used in various civil and military services. Horses, camels, dogs and elephants have been popular choices for transport and hauling, communication and evenRead More →

What effect will future technology have on our pets?Like most people, I can’t help but think about the future. However, being a self-confessed nerd, the future I envisage and ponder is one a little further on in timescale than what most normal, level-headed members of the population might. Being aRead More →

In the 16th Century Emperor Jahangir constructed a mausoleum for his favourite pet, Mansraj, the royal deer In the 16th and 17th centuries The Mughal Dynasty left many evident and historical marks in the subcontinent that we now call India and Pakistan. Hunting grounds were considered an integral feature ofRead More →

The evolution of fatherood shows shocking similarities in humans and animals and appears nothing like a mother’s connection to her baby. Major changes occur in the metabolism of males during the pregnancy of the partner. They increase the fat deposits, as a response to higher levels of circulating prolactin, theRead More →

A group of evil poachers is threatening the animals in the wild by stealing them from their families. It’s time to head to the safari and save these animals from more danger. Your job in the game will be to accommodate these animals in spacious, suitable zoos that you willRead More →