Language is one of humans oddest characteristics but chimps too can develop it.Language is one of humans oddest characteristics but chimps too can develop it – By Dr Walter Tarello (DVM) If you take a chimpanzee born in the New York Zoo and place it back in its African originalRead More →

Superman, Batman, Cinderella, Peter Pan, Captain Jack Sparrow, Lady Gaga and many others all together at one place… What can it be? A costume party of course. Dressing up for fun, meeting up with friends, taking crazy pictures, eating and drinking, who doesn’t love costume parties? Imagine how exciting theseRead More →

From the tiny Chihuahuas to the mighty Great Danes, dogs are the most loyal pets known to mankind. Dogs, even though known as a man’s best friends, share a special bond with women too. So what is it that makes dog a woman’s best friend? Every woman after a longRead More →

Would you die for eyeliner or an after-shave? Maybe not, but every year cosmetic producers take the lives of thousands of animals to experiment with their products during manufacturing. According to the producers, it is best for human health and safety to test products on animals before the products areRead More →