Discover the common dental problems in pet cats and dogs and learn how to maintain oral hygiene and prevent dental diseases. Pet dental hygiene is a concern for many pet owners, primarily because the symptoms can often go unnoticed. Sometimes, the symptoms are so minor that the dental problems areRead More →

Striking looks and friendly personality tempt people to bring a feathered buddy to their homes, but bird ownership is a responsibility. If you are thinking of bringing in a friend with wings, make sure you know how to keep it happy. With good nutrition and care, smaller birds will liveRead More →

It is no doubt that hamsters are 3C’s – cute, cuddly and cheap. However, these tempting characteristics cannot overshadow the required tasks to keep them well and healthy. The word hamster originated from the German word hamstern meaning hoard. Hoarding is a unique characteristic of hamsters, which means that theyRead More →